Who We Are:

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic gentlemen’s not for profit organization. St. Anthony Council has members from these parishes in Southeastern Indiana: St. Louis, Holy Family, St. Anthony, St. Nicholas, St. John, St. Peter, St. Joseph, St. Paul. The local council has been in existence since 1909. In 1998 construction of our current building on Delaware Road was completed and open for business. The proceeds raised are used to fund various programs through out the Batesville area.

James Dickey of the St Louis Haiti Mission (right) thanks Bart Bartling and the K of C Council #1461 in Batesville for their $1,500 donation toward a hospital in Haiti.

James Dickey of the St Louis Haiti Mission (right) thanks Bart Bartling and the K of C Council #1461 in Batesville for their $1,500 donation toward a hospital in Haiti.

Grand Knight Bart Bartling presented checks to Maureen Harpring with Crisis Pregnancy Hotline for $1,827.00; Mindy Scripture, $100.00 for Special Olympics, and $100.00 to Mary Jean Wessel with Right to Life Southeastern Indiana

K of C Financial Secretary Scot Harmeyer presented scholarships to Michael Hoff, Cloey Simon, Racheal Kuntz, Olivia Raab, Bridget Lohmueller, Felicity Brelage, Mary Ryan, Ashley Hunter, Luke Meyer, and Clare Van Meter.

Giving Back To Our Local Community: